There is MOBA game called Hereos of Newerth. Bothost solution = criminally cheap worldwide games & ladder system. Because it would literally be at a FRACTION of the cost of their current server, and a lot better too! Same way how w3arena, a free private wc3 server, was able to be so very successful and awesome. IF blizzard was smart, then they would grab the hostbot solution with both hands, to offer cross-realm ladder as well as custom games. If only blizzard realized the massive opportunity they just threw out of the window In fact a single private hostbot often has over 50 admins, ppl who can host, so its pretty cost efficient i’d say)Īnd on top of all of this, The absolute ICING ON THE CAKE Oh and did I mention those public services were 100% free? (if you want your own private hostbot then you would have to pay like $5 a month but unless you’re in charge / responsible for a community then this is a non-issue. Thanks to bots we were also able to host tournaments online, and offer great ping world wide, basically LAN ping. Cannot track stats, autohost, host ranked games) Communities / websites for individual maps (this no longer has a real purpose. commands / autorefresh (I am aware that blizz is mimicking some bot features) Easier hosting (alphabetized maps you could type to filter) If your only grievance with the hostbots was that they ‘spammed the gamelist’ with ‘empty lobbies’ (at least that’s fixed now right? COUGH) then I would say that you should have just banned those individual bots.īecause in fact the hostbots did many things very well when blizzard was AWOL. * host battle.Let me say first of all, if you failed to maneuver hostbots in 8+ years of no help / activity from blizzard then that’s on you * connect to multiple realms at the same time * host Reign of Chaos or The Frozen Throne games

GHost++ is a Warcraft 3 game hosting bot.

Evo ja igram warcraft 3, i vidjam ove botove za hostanje mapa, mislim da je to poprilicno korisno i da bi puno ljudi to pocelo uzimat kad bi stavili njih, evo par opcija koje moze, mislim da sve sto je potrebno za taj bot je imat originalni key koji bi bot koristio